How to buy $DEEZ token?

DeezNutsProject (DEEZ)
2 min readMay 10, 2021


deeznuts ($DEEZ) is live on Binance Smart Chain and purchasable on PancakeSwap.

How to buy $DEEZ token on PancakeSwap using Trust Wallet?

  1. Download Trust Wallet.
  2. Purchase BNB on Binance or another exchange that allows you to withdraw BNB, withdraw it towards the wallet address that is found under “Smart Chain” on Trust Wallet. Make sure you select “BEP20 (BSC)” as network.
  3. Go to the DApps (or “Browser” for iPhone) tab at the bottom and find PancakeSwap. iPhone users will have to enable the browser within Trust Wallet by typing trust://browser_enable within Safari when using it for the first time.
  4. Enter in the search bar and click on “Buy DEEZ” button on our website.
  5. A notice will pop up to inform you and click “I understand” and “Continue”.
  6. Tap on the settings icon next to the time symbol above your BNB balance, and as requested by PancakeSwap, set your slippage tolerance to 6%. Click “X” to save and exit the window.
  7. Set the amount you wish to buy in the “From” box
  8. Tap “Swap” and “Confirm Swap”. This will prompt a “Transaction submitted” message to pop up.
  9. Click on “View on BscScan.” The status bar should say “Success,” proving you successfully converted Smart Chain into deeznuts ($DEEZ). Exit PancakeSwap.

Put deeznuts ($DEEZ) between your tokens

  1. Navigate back to Trust Wallet’s main page. Click the ‘‘Manage’’ icon on the top-right corner and scroll to the bottom.

2. Tap on “Add Custom Token.” Change the network from Ethereum to Smart Chain. Under “Contract Address,” paste the Contract Address “0x33e1f882299ff680c73245ed6506695afd7fca88", enter name “deeznuts”, enter symbol “DEEZ” and enter decimals “9”. Tap “Save.”

3. Voila! You should see your deeznuts ($DEEZ) tokens in your Trust Wallet



DeezNutsProject (DEEZ)
DeezNutsProject (DEEZ)

Written by DeezNutsProject (DEEZ)

DEEZ token is brewing the background. The next big thing on BSC and its goal is to become a frontrunner in the NFT space and augmented reality!

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